Remote in New Orleans, LA
Director of Software Engineer
Practicing authentic leadership inspired by Brenè Brown
Engineering Leader for the Maintenance product within Appfolio Property Manager, including Smart Maintenance, an AI enabled maintenance service, with 1500+ customers and ~650k properties enrolled
Support 3 managers across 3 purpose driven, cross-functional teams of full-stack engineers solving real customer problems
Focused on creating purpose driven teams, data backed product development, and career development
Senior Engineering Manager - AI (October 2021-July 2022)
Engineering Leader for the Smart Maintenance product within Appfolio Property Manager, an AI enabled maintenance service, with 1500+ customers and ~650k properties enrolled
New Orleans, LA
Senior Engineering Manager
Finding my why and helping people find theirs along the way
Data Science Lead (2017-2018)
Leading two Agile teams to deliver high-quality software to support the 3M+ questions per day on the Lucid Marketplace
Support 8 direct reports via leadership, coaching, feedback, training, and goal setting
Evolving communication and process as we grow from a engineering organization of 15 to 60+ across 9 timezones
Broadening problem solving skills by introducing a “Big Debate” meeting Re: Radical Candor by Kim Scott
Passion for metrics and data visualization
Training via gamification to improve incident response
Have you tried Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes? Practicing communication skills under pressure can be fun!
Digital Reasoning
Nashville, TN
Data Scientist
Created knowledge from facts and wisdom from knowledge
Coordinated analytic development efforts to facilitate communication between engineering teams producing audio translation models and those implementing downstream analytics
Interfaced with Hive, ElasticSearch, and local data structures to generate metrics
Wrote Java MapReduce jobs and python scripts to create repeatable validation processes
Precision, Recall, and F1 measures against a validation set of 1M documents
Investigated quality concerns and implementing improvements in Natural Language Processing (NLP) models from tokenization to entity recognition
Learned Java on the job
Thanks, Vishnu!
B.S. in Physics, Minors in Mathematics and Computational Science
Entered undeclared while deciding between English Poetry and Physics
Decided to formally study Physics, while I would independently pursue Poetry
Computational Chemistry with Dr. Thomas Spence
TLDR: You can do some quick calculations on an FPGA
Computational Statistics with Dr. Maria Calzada
TLDR: The central limit theorem has its limits so think before you automatically assume normality
M.S. in Computational Science
Entered the PhD program in Computational Science and Informatics
Finished with a M.S. after realizing I liked real world problems more than academic ones
Research Project: Evaluating Potential Energy of Theoretical Zeolite Structures
Inherited 10k+ lines of Fortran to write implementations of standard and optimized potential energy calculations
Edited solely in VI (have since learned the wonders of IDEs)
Validated the speed and accuracy of these methods
Applied most efficient method on simulated crystal structures to identify the best catalysts for chemical manufacturings