



Remote in New Orleans, LA

Director of Software Engineer

Practicing authentic leadership inspired by Brenè Brown

  • Engineering Leader for the Maintenance product within Appfolio Property Manager, including Smart Maintenance, an AI enabled maintenance service, with 1500+ customers and ~650k properties enrolled

  • Support 3 managers across 3 purpose driven, cross-functional teams of full-stack engineers solving real customer problems

  • Focused on creating purpose driven teams, data backed product development, and career development

Senior Engineering Manager - AI (October 2021-July 2022)

  • Engineering Leader for the Smart Maintenance product within Appfolio Property Manager, an AI enabled maintenance service, with 1500+ customers and ~650k properties enrolled




New Orleans, LA

Senior Engineering Manager

Finding my why and helping people find theirs along the way

  • Data Science Lead (2017-2018)

  • Leading two Agile teams to deliver high-quality software to support the 3M+ questions per day on the Lucid Marketplace

  • Support 8 direct reports via leadership, coaching, feedback, training, and goal setting

  • Evolving communication and process as we grow from a engineering organization of 15 to 60+ across 9 timezones

  • Broadening problem solving skills by introducing a “Big Debate” meeting Re: Radical Candor by Kim Scott

  • Passion for metrics and data visualization

  • Training via gamification to improve incident response


Digital Reasoning


Nashville, TN


Data Scientist

Created knowledge from facts and wisdom from knowledge

  • Coordinated analytic development efforts to facilitate communication between engineering teams producing audio translation models and those implementing downstream analytics

  • Interfaced with Hive, ElasticSearch, and local data structures to generate metrics

  • Wrote Java MapReduce jobs and python scripts to create repeatable validation processes

    • Precision, Recall, and F1 measures against a validation set of 1M documents

  • Investigated quality concerns and implementing improvements in Natural Language Processing (NLP) models from tokenization to entity recognition

  • Learned Java on the job

    • Thanks, Vishnu!


Loyola University New Orleans

B.S. in Physics, Minors in Mathematics and Computational Science

  • Entered undeclared while deciding between English Poetry and Physics

  • Decided to formally study Physics, while I would independently pursue Poetry

  • Computational Chemistry with Dr. Thomas Spence

  • Computational Statistics with Dr. Maria Calzada

George Mason University

M.S. in Computational Science

  • Entered the PhD program in Computational Science and Informatics

  • Finished with a M.S. after realizing I liked real world problems more than academic ones

  • Research Project: Evaluating Potential Energy of Theoretical Zeolite Structures

    • Inherited 10k+ lines of Fortran to write implementations of standard and optimized potential energy calculations

      • Edited solely in VI (have since learned the wonders of IDEs)

    • Validated the speed and accuracy of these methods

    • Applied most efficient method on simulated crystal structures to identify the best catalysts for chemical manufacturings